Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
28 FEB 2009 - hanya ucapan setinggi –tinggi penghargaan dan terimakasih dapat disampaikan daripada persatuan kepada pusat pengajian Sains Kaji Hayat khususnya dekan, Prof Abu Hassan Ahmad atas sumbangan komputer kepada persatuan semalam. Komputer tersebut telah diletakan di bilik gerakan di makmal 300 untuk kegunaan persatuan. Menurut saudari Aqilah Adnan,setiausaha Persatuan Sains Kaji Hayat “ komputer tersebut akan digunakan untuk melaksanakan projek e-filling,semua data- dan rekod persatuan seperti kertas kerja dan contoh surat akan disimpan dalam komputer tersebut untuk kegunaan akan datang” katanya ketika di temui di program taklimat majoring yang berlangsung pada pagi ini di Dewan kuliah A Universiti Sains Malaysia. Program taklimat majoring diadakan untuk memberi penerangan dan membantu pelajar tahun pertama membuat pilihan tentang major yang akan diambil pada tahun hadapan. Bagi Muhamad Allim Jamalludin ,Yang Dipertua Persatuan Sains Kaji Hayat pula “ sumbangan ini cukup bermakna bagi persatuan, mungkin tahu depan kami boleh minta peti ais pula”,katanya dengan nada berseloroh. Apa pun terima kasih daun keladi, lain kali minta lagi.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Taklimat Majoring untuk 1st year student
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
BeST Programmes
BeST Programmes
BeST is a six-month intensive and structured retooling programme for biotechnology/ life-sciences graduates wishing to enter the biotechnology industry and other industries in general.BeST combines classroom-based instruction, laboratory work and industry internship. The programme is aimed at equipping the graduates with essential skills and knowledge for entry-level positions within biotechnology companies or biotechnology-related companies.This Programme aims to:
To enhance the knowledge and skills of biotechnology/ life science graduates in technical, communication/ language and business/ entrepreneurship areas.
To match the knowledge and skills of graduates with the competencies required by biotechnology industry.
To give unemployed graduates relevant "real world" skills as well as industry experience and exposure.
This programme is fully funded by BiotechCorp. In addition, the programme participants will also be receiving a monthly training allowance for the duration of the programme including the industry internship placement.
For information, please contact:Said Al Jafri / Arni BalkishP: 603 2116 5588Email : aljafri.osman@biotechcorp.com.my arni.aris@biotechcorp.com.my
BeST is a six-month intensive and structured retooling programme for biotechnology/ life-sciences graduates wishing to enter the biotechnology industry and other industries in general.BeST combines classroom-based instruction, laboratory work and industry internship. The programme is aimed at equipping the graduates with essential skills and knowledge for entry-level positions within biotechnology companies or biotechnology-related companies.This Programme aims to:
To enhance the knowledge and skills of biotechnology/ life science graduates in technical, communication/ language and business/ entrepreneurship areas.
To match the knowledge and skills of graduates with the competencies required by biotechnology industry.
To give unemployed graduates relevant "real world" skills as well as industry experience and exposure.
This programme is fully funded by BiotechCorp. In addition, the programme participants will also be receiving a monthly training allowance for the duration of the programme including the industry internship placement.
For information, please contact:Said Al Jafri / Arni BalkishP: 603 2116 5588Email : aljafri.osman@biotechcorp.com.my arni.aris@biotechcorp.com.my
Malaysia focuses on three major biotechnology industry segments:
Agricultural Biotechnology relates to applications of biotechnology in food and agriculture. Examples of agricultural technology research and applications include genetically modified crops that offer:
Crops that can use low quality soil to increase food production
Crops that offer additional features such as iron in rice for better public health
Resistant crops that need less pesticides to become more cost efficient
Healthcare Biotechnology relates to applications of biotechnology for medicine and health. Examples include new therapies based on the understanding of root causes of illness (e.g. cancer), and diagnosis and personalized treatments based on knowledge of an individual's genetic predisposition.
Industrial Biotechnology relates to applications of biotechnology in managing waste and environment. Examples of industrial biotechnology research and applications include development of biodegradable plastics, bacteria engineered to clean up toxic chemical spills, and fibers from renewable resources such as corn.
Agricultural Biotechnology relates to applications of biotechnology in food and agriculture. Examples of agricultural technology research and applications include genetically modified crops that offer:
Crops that can use low quality soil to increase food production
Crops that offer additional features such as iron in rice for better public health
Resistant crops that need less pesticides to become more cost efficient
Healthcare Biotechnology relates to applications of biotechnology for medicine and health. Examples include new therapies based on the understanding of root causes of illness (e.g. cancer), and diagnosis and personalized treatments based on knowledge of an individual's genetic predisposition.
Industrial Biotechnology relates to applications of biotechnology in managing waste and environment. Examples of industrial biotechnology research and applications include development of biodegradable plastics, bacteria engineered to clean up toxic chemical spills, and fibers from renewable resources such as corn.
4th Malaysian International Seminar on Antarctic
Your Muscles

Muscle tissue is made of excitable cells that are capable of contraction. This tissue is the most abundant tissue in most animals.
There are three major types of muscle tissue:
Cardiac Muscle - found in the heart.
Skeletal Muscle - attached to bones by tendons.
Visceral (Smooth) Muscle - found in various parts of the body such as the arteries and many other organs.
Cardiac Muscle - found in the heart.
Skeletal Muscle - attached to bones by tendons.
Visceral (Smooth) Muscle - found in various parts of the body such as the arteries and many other organs.
Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles because animals have control over their contraction. Visceral muscles are involuntary since, for the most part, they are not consciously controlled.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Best daki gunung...
Pada 29jan-1feb 2009 lalu,Bio society berjaya menganjurkn aktiviti explorasi Gunung Bubu di Kuala Kangsar,Perak. Menikmati pemandangan di puncak gunung merupakan pengalaman yg tak dapat dilupakan dan juga menjadi satu kepuasan buat semua peserta yang terlibat setelah bersusah payah mendaki selama 2 hari untuk sampai ke puncak gunung...TAHNIAH dan SYABAS kepada pihak penganjur kerana berjaya menjayakan aktiviti yg amat menarik ini dan kepada semua peserta,TAHNIAH kerana berjaya sampai ke puncak dan syukur kepada Tuhan kerana semua peserta selamat pergi dan pulang walaupun semua peserta kekurangan darah akibat terkena serangan pacat yang bertubi-tubi sepanjang aktiviti berlangsung...moga aktiviti sebegini akan terus diadakan untuk masa-masa akan datang.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Ok guys & gals...This is an offer for LI.
I have a few places for LI, 3-4 students can come on board my research team. For those interested, the research you'll be involved in will be on remote sensing & GIS. This means you need to be a comfortable user of computers as these are softwares that we use to process satellite images. The work include data collection, data analysis & image processing. There will also be several fieldwork in Matang mangrove forest reserve, and maybe in 1-2 other locations. You'll be working with a number of postgraduate students, you'll be guided & trained. Your preferable background is Environmental Biology, Aquatic Biology, Botany, Zoology...mmm Vector & Parasite boleh lah juga.
So students who love fieldwork, computers & can work well with others can contact me at xxnotts@yahoo.com for more details @ can drop by my office for a chat.
I have a few places for LI, 3-4 students can come on board my research team. For those interested, the research you'll be involved in will be on remote sensing & GIS. This means you need to be a comfortable user of computers as these are softwares that we use to process satellite images. The work include data collection, data analysis & image processing. There will also be several fieldwork in Matang mangrove forest reserve, and maybe in 1-2 other locations. You'll be working with a number of postgraduate students, you'll be guided & trained. Your preferable background is Environmental Biology, Aquatic Biology, Botany, Zoology...mmm Vector & Parasite boleh lah juga.
So students who love fieldwork, computers & can work well with others can contact me at xxnotts@yahoo.com for more details @ can drop by my office for a chat.
Perbadanan Bioteknologi & Biodiversiti Negeri Johor mempelawa calon-calon berkelayakan di kalangan warganegara Malaysia untuk mengisi jawatan berikut:
1. Penolong Pegawai Penyelidik;
Untuk maklumat lanjut, hubungi Perbadanan Bioteknologi dan Biodiversiti Negeri Johor menerusi talian 07-5208810/5207810 atau e-mel: jbiotech_hr@yahoo.com. Makluman lanjut serta syarat permohonan disertakan bersama makluman ini. Saya mohon kerjasama untuk menghebahkan makluman kepada warga di PTJ Y.Bhg. Dato'/Prof/tuan/puan.
Harap maklum.
Izam Fairus Kamaruddin
Public Relations OfficeUniversiti Sains MalaysiaTel: +604 - 653 2519Fax: +604 - 658 9666E-mail:izam@notes.usm.myWebsite: www.usm.my
Perbadanan Bioteknologi & Biodiversiti Negeri Johor mempelawa calon-calon berkelayakan di kalangan warganegara Malaysia untuk mengisi jawatan berikut:
1. Penolong Pegawai Penyelidik;
Untuk maklumat lanjut, hubungi Perbadanan Bioteknologi dan Biodiversiti Negeri Johor menerusi talian 07-5208810/5207810 atau e-mel: jbiotech_hr@yahoo.com. Makluman lanjut serta syarat permohonan disertakan bersama makluman ini. Saya mohon kerjasama untuk menghebahkan makluman kepada warga di PTJ Y.Bhg. Dato'/Prof/tuan/puan.
Harap maklum.
Izam Fairus Kamaruddin
Public Relations OfficeUniversiti Sains MalaysiaTel: +604 - 653 2519Fax: +604 - 658 9666E-mail:izam@notes.usm.myWebsite: www.usm.my
Thursday, February 5, 2009
nak masuk TV?
Salam semua. Dialu2kan penyertaan u all utk program dibawah. Berikut ialah mesej drp PRO USM.
Dengan hormatnya dimaklumkan bahawa RTM akan mengadakan Siaran Langsung program TV1 "Gen Y" untuk remaja pada hari sabtu, 7 Februari 2009, jam 3.00 petang di Dewan Budaya USM. Mohon kerjasama semua untuk hadir dan meminta para pelajar untuk mengambil bahagian dalam program ini yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan USM sempena pengambilan pelajar nanti. Kehadiran ramai penonton akan memberi gambaran kemeriahan pengajian di USM sekali gus menonjolkan USM sebagai destinasi pilihan. Apatah lagi tajuk yang dibincangkan adalah "Kedamaian Sejagat" yang berfokus kepada peranan remaja dan belia dalam mewujudkan kedamaian sejagat. Program ini dikendalikan oleh pengacara popular Awal Ashaari yang juga seorang pelakon yang sedang meningkat naik namanya. Sudi kiranya semua pihak memberikan kerjasama sewajarnya bagi menjayakan acara ini dengan datang beramai-ramai serta membantu apa sahaja untuk mendorong pelajar memenuhi Dewan Budaya. Sekian, terima kasih. PRO USM(MOHAMAD ABDULLAH)Universiti Sains MalaysiaT: 04.653 2193/3105F: 04.658 8444
Do you really need to print this e-mail?
Dengan hormatnya dimaklumkan bahawa RTM akan mengadakan Siaran Langsung program TV1 "Gen Y" untuk remaja pada hari sabtu, 7 Februari 2009, jam 3.00 petang di Dewan Budaya USM. Mohon kerjasama semua untuk hadir dan meminta para pelajar untuk mengambil bahagian dalam program ini yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan USM sempena pengambilan pelajar nanti. Kehadiran ramai penonton akan memberi gambaran kemeriahan pengajian di USM sekali gus menonjolkan USM sebagai destinasi pilihan. Apatah lagi tajuk yang dibincangkan adalah "Kedamaian Sejagat" yang berfokus kepada peranan remaja dan belia dalam mewujudkan kedamaian sejagat. Program ini dikendalikan oleh pengacara popular Awal Ashaari yang juga seorang pelakon yang sedang meningkat naik namanya. Sudi kiranya semua pihak memberikan kerjasama sewajarnya bagi menjayakan acara ini dengan datang beramai-ramai serta membantu apa sahaja untuk mendorong pelajar memenuhi Dewan Budaya. Sekian, terima kasih. PRO USM(MOHAMAD ABDULLAH)Universiti Sains MalaysiaT: 04.653 2193/3105F: 04.658 8444
Do you really need to print this e-mail?
To all Bio students, please MAKE TIME to attend these two talks. You never know when they can be useful to you. I'm sure you can get lots of ideas as well listening to the speakers. Come on, do something useful on your weekend and attend the talks.
Assalamu'alaikum and Good day,
We are pleased to invite all of you to our series of talks on Technopreneurship on 7 Feb and 21 Feb 2009.
Talk #1
Date: 7 Feb 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: DKG31
Title: "Technopreneurship Challenges in Malaysia "
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Salmi bin Mohd Sohod
DR. MOHAMAD SALMI BIN MOHD SOHOD - Managing Director of In Fusion Solution Sdn Bhd
BSc in Manufacturing ( Western Michigan University , USA ), MSc in Manufacturing and Industrial Management ( Western Michigan University , USA ), PhD in Management ( University of Bradford , UK ).
Dr. Mohamad Salmi bin Mohd. Sohod has over 16 years of experience as an academician at the Universiti Utara Malaysia in the areas of Entrepreneurship and Best Practice Management, E-Learning and Quality Management.
He held various managerial positions including Directorship of the Research & Consultancy Division, the Director of Entrepreneurial Development Institute in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Director of Malaysian Multimedia Entrepreneurs Corporation (MMEC) and Director of Malaysia Techno-Entrepreneurs Corporation (MTEC).
He has contributed tremendously to the thinking education community. Major publications contributed towards the international education sector included topics on Joint Ventures, Work Values, Organisational Studies, Management Issues and Human Resources Management.
Dr. Mohamad Salmi's contribution towards the growth of education through ICT is also recognized worldwide, evidenced by his appointments as the Associate Dean of eTQM College in Dubai , UAE. His corporate achievements include the successful development of UNITAR from conceptualization to business commencement.
Talk #2
Date: 21 Feb 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 9:15 am - 11:15 am
Venue: DKG31
Title: "The Success Story of Young Technoprenuer - Jeffrey Lim"
Speaker: Jeffrey Lim Tau Hoong
(Jeffrey) LIM TAU HOONG - CEO of Softphix Technology Sdn Bhd.
BSc IT and telecommunication
Australia IEEE Certified Chartered Engineer
Jeffrey Lim brings an excellent mix of hardware and software skills to the organization. His current work involves implementing Web-enabled software as a service systems.
He has a wide variety of industry experience at both software and engineering field. Jeffrey completed the IT and telecommunication Degree from University of Adelaide and is an MBA candidate at the School of Management at University of Tun Abdul Razak (UniTAR), Malaysia concentrating in financial management and e-commerce.
He is responsible for marketing development as well as overall responsibility for the strategic direction of the company. He also oversees new product development.
Jeffrey is responsible with consulting his views on the architectural designs of the technology combined with his understanding of financial management and e-commerce to develop a better business concept.
Jeffrey Lim has worked for a Malaysia based company called APC System Sdn Bhd working as the IT manager supporting all the system in the company from July 2001 to April 2002 while teaching part time in Inti College Penang for degree in electrical engineering and foundation course.
Jeffrey has also worked for an Australia based company called EchoMe Inc while studying in Australia from August 2003 to July 2004. He was the telecommunication support adviser on a project 1900record system for EchoMe which digitized the storage of data communication in server system for easy distribution. Beside that, he was also the 2004 Australia Entrepreneur Title semifinalist.
Today, he shares his knowledge and experience in ICT field through seminars and talks. He is also the director for International Business of the young entrepreneur Malaysia association Penang, PUMM (Persatuan Usahawan Muda Malaysia ,www.pumm.net). At the same time, he is holding the position of chairman of the inaugural chair of Software Consortium of Penang, SCoPe (www.scope.org.my)
Thank you.
Assalamu'alaikum and Good day,
We are pleased to invite all of you to our series of talks on Technopreneurship on 7 Feb and 21 Feb 2009.
Talk #1
Date: 7 Feb 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: DKG31
Title: "Technopreneurship Challenges in Malaysia "
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Salmi bin Mohd Sohod
DR. MOHAMAD SALMI BIN MOHD SOHOD - Managing Director of In Fusion Solution Sdn Bhd
BSc in Manufacturing ( Western Michigan University , USA ), MSc in Manufacturing and Industrial Management ( Western Michigan University , USA ), PhD in Management ( University of Bradford , UK ).
Dr. Mohamad Salmi bin Mohd. Sohod has over 16 years of experience as an academician at the Universiti Utara Malaysia in the areas of Entrepreneurship and Best Practice Management, E-Learning and Quality Management.
He held various managerial positions including Directorship of the Research & Consultancy Division, the Director of Entrepreneurial Development Institute in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Director of Malaysian Multimedia Entrepreneurs Corporation (MMEC) and Director of Malaysia Techno-Entrepreneurs Corporation (MTEC).
He has contributed tremendously to the thinking education community. Major publications contributed towards the international education sector included topics on Joint Ventures, Work Values, Organisational Studies, Management Issues and Human Resources Management.
Dr. Mohamad Salmi's contribution towards the growth of education through ICT is also recognized worldwide, evidenced by his appointments as the Associate Dean of eTQM College in Dubai , UAE. His corporate achievements include the successful development of UNITAR from conceptualization to business commencement.
Talk #2
Date: 21 Feb 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 9:15 am - 11:15 am
Venue: DKG31
Title: "The Success Story of Young Technoprenuer - Jeffrey Lim"
Speaker: Jeffrey Lim Tau Hoong
(Jeffrey) LIM TAU HOONG - CEO of Softphix Technology Sdn Bhd.
BSc IT and telecommunication
Australia IEEE Certified Chartered Engineer
Jeffrey Lim brings an excellent mix of hardware and software skills to the organization. His current work involves implementing Web-enabled software as a service systems.
He has a wide variety of industry experience at both software and engineering field. Jeffrey completed the IT and telecommunication Degree from University of Adelaide and is an MBA candidate at the School of Management at University of Tun Abdul Razak (UniTAR), Malaysia concentrating in financial management and e-commerce.
He is responsible for marketing development as well as overall responsibility for the strategic direction of the company. He also oversees new product development.
Jeffrey is responsible with consulting his views on the architectural designs of the technology combined with his understanding of financial management and e-commerce to develop a better business concept.
Jeffrey Lim has worked for a Malaysia based company called APC System Sdn Bhd working as the IT manager supporting all the system in the company from July 2001 to April 2002 while teaching part time in Inti College Penang for degree in electrical engineering and foundation course.
Jeffrey has also worked for an Australia based company called EchoMe Inc while studying in Australia from August 2003 to July 2004. He was the telecommunication support adviser on a project 1900record system for EchoMe which digitized the storage of data communication in server system for easy distribution. Beside that, he was also the 2004 Australia Entrepreneur Title semifinalist.
Today, he shares his knowledge and experience in ICT field through seminars and talks. He is also the director for International Business of the young entrepreneur Malaysia association Penang, PUMM (Persatuan Usahawan Muda Malaysia ,www.pumm.net). At the same time, he is holding the position of chairman of the inaugural chair of Software Consortium of Penang, SCoPe (www.scope.org.my)
Thank you.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Biotechnology In Malaysia
Malaysia: An IntroductionWelcome to Malaysia, a charming and fascinating land of warm, friendly people that beckons visitors with a rich diversity of experiences. The country's social, political and economic stability have ensured a well-structured development. Malaysia today is a progressive nation with great opportunities.
Malaysia : The Gateway to Asia
Strategic location in the heart of Asia
Pro-business government
Political Stability
Cost-effective base for business
Excellent transportation and ICT Infrastructure
Located within fast-growing markets
Long history in open trade
Strong in outsourcing services
Highly skilled workforce
Presence of significant multi-nationals
Government support
Extensive base and network of R&D
Excellent quality of life
Rich biodiversity
Multimedia Super Corridor
Knowledge workers
Malaysia : The Gateway to Asia
Strategic location in the heart of Asia
Pro-business government
Political Stability
Cost-effective base for business
Excellent transportation and ICT Infrastructure
Located within fast-growing markets
Long history in open trade
Strong in outsourcing services
Highly skilled workforce
Presence of significant multi-nationals
Government support
Extensive base and network of R&D
Excellent quality of life
Rich biodiversity
Multimedia Super Corridor
Knowledge workers
Entrepreneur Development Programme
Entrepreneur Development Programme
• The objective of the programme is to provide focused bio-entrepreneur development through industry workshops and roundtable discussions.
• Experienced trainers and industry experts (eg, successful bio-entrepreneurs, researchers, venture capitalists and representatives from regulatory bodies) will be invited to speak at these events.
• Prospective topics include business plan development, funding mechanisms, licensing strategies, legal and regulatory issues, industry trends, competitive intelligence and ethical issues.
• More details on these events will appear here soon.
Application Guideline For Mentoring Programme
A. ObjectiveThe objective of the programme is to nurture bio-entrepreneurs and relevant support service providers to set up or expand operations in Malaysia. Activities that may be eligible for financial support include attendance of an entrepreneur development programme (locally or overseas), receipt of advisory or mentoring services, or interim management provision for newly formed companies.
B. Who Should Apply?
i. Companies engaged in life sciences, or relevant support service providers;
ii. Individual researchers; or
iii. Bio-entrepreneurs;
intending to set up or expand operations in Biotech Corp’s focus areas, and who require mentoring assistance.
C. Eligibility Criteria
i) Company applicants
• Small - or medium-sized company (based on MIDA definition)
• Incorporated in Malaysia
• Core business operations conducted in Malaysia
• Life sciences-related business or support service provider in one of Biotech Corp’s focus areas
• Possesses a viable business concept acceptable to Biotech Corp
ii) Individual applicants
• Suitably qualified Malaysian citizen (citizens of other countries may be considered on a case-by-case basis)
• Intends to venture into a life sciences-related business in one of Biotech Corp’s focus areas
• Possesses a viable business concept acceptable to Biotech Corp
• Has the consent of their current organisation (if applicable)
* - Applications will be subject to Biotech Corp’s acceptance and all decisions are final.
D. When to Apply?Applications should only be submitted once applicants have developed viable business concepts that could lead to the commercialisation of life science-related products or services.
E. Mentoring CoverageUpon acceptance into the Mentoring Programme, the coverage given will be agreed between Biotech Corp, the mentee and the mentor(s). Biotech Corp retains the right to reject candidates should it prove impossible to agree upon a suitable programme of activities.Typically, the programme will take the following form:
• Standard or customised educational or mentoring activities
• Seminars and/or workshops conducted by industry professionals, which may include but are not limited to:
Funding mechanisms
Cash flow/financial management
Corporate governance
Licensing strategies
Legal and regulatory issues
Competitive intelligence
Ethical issues All individuals or companies accepted into the Mentoring Programme will be subject to rigorous periodic progress review.
F. Level of FundingThe amount of funding given will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
G. How to Apply?Applicants must submit the following:
• Duly completed Mentoring Programme Application Form
• CV of individual or of company directors
• Relevant company details (ie, relevant statutory forms, if applicable)
• Audited financial accounts (if applicable)
• Detailed business concept
• Letter of Consent from applicant’s organisation (if applicable)
All application shall be addressed to:
Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd
Client Support Services Division – People Services
Level 22, Menara Naluri161,Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 603-2116 8585
URL : www.biotechcorp.com.my
H. Biotech Corp’s RolesBiotech Corp will:-
• Receive, review and approve/reject applications for the programme;
• Monitor the progress of mentees; and
• Endeavour to continually improve and develop the programme.
• The objective of the programme is to provide focused bio-entrepreneur development through industry workshops and roundtable discussions.
• Experienced trainers and industry experts (eg, successful bio-entrepreneurs, researchers, venture capitalists and representatives from regulatory bodies) will be invited to speak at these events.
• Prospective topics include business plan development, funding mechanisms, licensing strategies, legal and regulatory issues, industry trends, competitive intelligence and ethical issues.
• More details on these events will appear here soon.
Application Guideline For Mentoring Programme
A. ObjectiveThe objective of the programme is to nurture bio-entrepreneurs and relevant support service providers to set up or expand operations in Malaysia. Activities that may be eligible for financial support include attendance of an entrepreneur development programme (locally or overseas), receipt of advisory or mentoring services, or interim management provision for newly formed companies.
B. Who Should Apply?
i. Companies engaged in life sciences, or relevant support service providers;
ii. Individual researchers; or
iii. Bio-entrepreneurs;
intending to set up or expand operations in Biotech Corp’s focus areas, and who require mentoring assistance.
C. Eligibility Criteria
i) Company applicants
• Small - or medium-sized company (based on MIDA definition)
• Incorporated in Malaysia
• Core business operations conducted in Malaysia
• Life sciences-related business or support service provider in one of Biotech Corp’s focus areas
• Possesses a viable business concept acceptable to Biotech Corp
ii) Individual applicants
• Suitably qualified Malaysian citizen (citizens of other countries may be considered on a case-by-case basis)
• Intends to venture into a life sciences-related business in one of Biotech Corp’s focus areas
• Possesses a viable business concept acceptable to Biotech Corp
• Has the consent of their current organisation (if applicable)
* - Applications will be subject to Biotech Corp’s acceptance and all decisions are final.
D. When to Apply?Applications should only be submitted once applicants have developed viable business concepts that could lead to the commercialisation of life science-related products or services.
E. Mentoring CoverageUpon acceptance into the Mentoring Programme, the coverage given will be agreed between Biotech Corp, the mentee and the mentor(s). Biotech Corp retains the right to reject candidates should it prove impossible to agree upon a suitable programme of activities.Typically, the programme will take the following form:
• Standard or customised educational or mentoring activities
• Seminars and/or workshops conducted by industry professionals, which may include but are not limited to:
Funding mechanisms
Cash flow/financial management
Corporate governance
Licensing strategies
Legal and regulatory issues
Competitive intelligence
Ethical issues All individuals or companies accepted into the Mentoring Programme will be subject to rigorous periodic progress review.
F. Level of FundingThe amount of funding given will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
G. How to Apply?Applicants must submit the following:
• Duly completed Mentoring Programme Application Form
• CV of individual or of company directors
• Relevant company details (ie, relevant statutory forms, if applicable)
• Audited financial accounts (if applicable)
• Detailed business concept
• Letter of Consent from applicant’s organisation (if applicable)
All application shall be addressed to:
Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd
Client Support Services Division – People Services
Level 22, Menara Naluri161,Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 603-2116 8585
Fax : 603-2116 5432
Email : cssd@biotechcorp.com.myURL : www.biotechcorp.com.my
H. Biotech Corp’s RolesBiotech Corp will:-
• Receive, review and approve/reject applications for the programme;
• Monitor the progress of mentees; and
• Endeavour to continually improve and develop the programme.
Menangi Pelbagai Hadiah Sempena Pameran Bioteknologi
PUTRAJAYA, Isnin 12.01.09: - Pelbagai hadiah boleh dimenangi oleh pengunjung sempena Pameran Bioteknologi yang diadakan bermula daripada 5 Januari 2009 hingga 31 Januari 2009. Mereka yang berminat bolehlah berkunjung ke Galeri Kementerian Sains, Teknologi Dan Inovasi (MOSTI), Aras 1, Blok C5, Kompleks C, Putrajaya.
Pelbagai produk menarik dipamerkan sepanjang pameran ini. Malahan, pengunjung mungkin akan tergamam dan kagum dengan salah satu produk yang dipamerkan iaitu pinggan yang boleh dimakan. Untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut bagaimanakah keajaiban melalui teknologi ini dihasilkan, jangan lepaskan peluang untuk berkunjung ke pameran ini.
Sementara itu, pelbagai aktiviti telah dirancang oleh pihak Bioteknologi, antaranya Ceramah DNA Forensik yang akan diadakan pada 14 Januari jam 2.00 hingga 3.30 petang bertempat di Dewan Perhimpunan Aras 1, Blok C4, MOSTI. Melalui ceramah ini, para pengunjung berpeluang untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah penjenayah boleh dijejaki melalui DNA Forensik.
Kepada golongan wanita yang masih tercari-cari produk kecantikan yang menjamin kesihatan mereka, jangan lupa untuk mengikuti Ceramah Pembuatan Produk-Produk Kosmetik pada 15 Januari, jam 10.00 pagi dan Ceramah Pembungkusan Produk-Produk Kosmetik pada jam 11.00 pagi hingga 12.00 tengah hari bertempat di Dewan Perhimpunan Aras 1, Blok C4, MOSTI. Produk-produk yang dipamerkan ini mempunyai kualiti yang tinggi dan selamat digunakan serta telah mendapat kelulusan daripada Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
Bagi golongan wanita yang mementingkan kecantikan, peluang untuk mendapatkan tunjuk ajar berkaitan penjagaan kesihatan wajah akan diadakan pada 19 Januari ini. Pengunjung juga boleh mendapatkan produk kecantikan berasaskan herba dengan harga promosi yang cukup istimewa.
Kepada anda yang tidak berkesempatan untuk membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan, anda berpeluang untuk menjalani pemeriksaan tersebut pada 20 Januari 2009 jam 10.00 pagi hingga 4.00 petang di ruang menunggu Aras 1, Blok C5.
Manakala pada 20 hingga 22 Januari 2009, ruang untuk soal jawab mengenai Industri Herba dan Produk Semulajadi akan dibuka pada jam 10.30 pagi hingga jam 5.00 petang.
Mereka yang beminat untuk mengusahakan tanaman gaharu yang memberi pulangan yang lumayan, jangan ketinggalan untuk mengikuti Ceramah Penyelidikan Gaharu jam 11.00 pagi hingga 12.30 tengah hari bertempat di Dewan Perhimpunan MOSTI Blok C4.
Hari terakhir iaitu pada 30 Januari 2009, pengunjung berpeluang untuk membuat Health Screening pada jam 10.30 pagi hingga 4.30 petang di ruang menunggu.
Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda semua ke Pameran Bioteknologi MOSTI 2009.
Pelbagai produk menarik dipamerkan sepanjang pameran ini. Malahan, pengunjung mungkin akan tergamam dan kagum dengan salah satu produk yang dipamerkan iaitu pinggan yang boleh dimakan. Untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut bagaimanakah keajaiban melalui teknologi ini dihasilkan, jangan lepaskan peluang untuk berkunjung ke pameran ini.
Sementara itu, pelbagai aktiviti telah dirancang oleh pihak Bioteknologi, antaranya Ceramah DNA Forensik yang akan diadakan pada 14 Januari jam 2.00 hingga 3.30 petang bertempat di Dewan Perhimpunan Aras 1, Blok C4, MOSTI. Melalui ceramah ini, para pengunjung berpeluang untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah penjenayah boleh dijejaki melalui DNA Forensik.
Kepada golongan wanita yang masih tercari-cari produk kecantikan yang menjamin kesihatan mereka, jangan lupa untuk mengikuti Ceramah Pembuatan Produk-Produk Kosmetik pada 15 Januari, jam 10.00 pagi dan Ceramah Pembungkusan Produk-Produk Kosmetik pada jam 11.00 pagi hingga 12.00 tengah hari bertempat di Dewan Perhimpunan Aras 1, Blok C4, MOSTI. Produk-produk yang dipamerkan ini mempunyai kualiti yang tinggi dan selamat digunakan serta telah mendapat kelulusan daripada Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
Bagi golongan wanita yang mementingkan kecantikan, peluang untuk mendapatkan tunjuk ajar berkaitan penjagaan kesihatan wajah akan diadakan pada 19 Januari ini. Pengunjung juga boleh mendapatkan produk kecantikan berasaskan herba dengan harga promosi yang cukup istimewa.
Kepada anda yang tidak berkesempatan untuk membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan, anda berpeluang untuk menjalani pemeriksaan tersebut pada 20 Januari 2009 jam 10.00 pagi hingga 4.00 petang di ruang menunggu Aras 1, Blok C5.
Manakala pada 20 hingga 22 Januari 2009, ruang untuk soal jawab mengenai Industri Herba dan Produk Semulajadi akan dibuka pada jam 10.30 pagi hingga jam 5.00 petang.
Mereka yang beminat untuk mengusahakan tanaman gaharu yang memberi pulangan yang lumayan, jangan ketinggalan untuk mengikuti Ceramah Penyelidikan Gaharu jam 11.00 pagi hingga 12.30 tengah hari bertempat di Dewan Perhimpunan MOSTI Blok C4.
Hari terakhir iaitu pada 30 Januari 2009, pengunjung berpeluang untuk membuat Health Screening pada jam 10.30 pagi hingga 4.30 petang di ruang menunggu.
Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda semua ke Pameran Bioteknologi MOSTI 2009.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pencarian 'Web Master'
Laman Web Alumni Bio.
Sekiranya anda berminat serta mempunyai kepakaran tersebut, sila hubungi;
Saudari Aqilah: 019-4503925
Elaun akan diberikan oleh pusat pengajian.
"cintailah bahasa kita"-sm
Laman Web Alumni Bio.
Persatuan Sains Kajihayat akan menubuhkan laman web baru untuk Persatuan Alumni Pusat Pengajian Sains Kajihayat. Justeru, pihak persatuan sedang mencari seorang 'Web Master' untuk menguruskan laman web tersebut.
Sekiranya anda berminat serta mempunyai kepakaran tersebut, sila hubungi;
Saudari Aqilah: 019-4503925
Elaun akan diberikan oleh pusat pengajian.
"cintailah bahasa kita"-sm
Monday, January 12, 2009
Explorasi Gunung Bubu
Butir-butir mengenai program ini adalah seperti berikut:
- Lokasi: Gunung Bubu, Kuala Kangsar, Perak.
- Tarikh: 29 Januari hingga 1 Febuari 2008.
- Bayaran: RM 60 (4 hari 3 malam).
- Antara aktiviti yang menarik: Hiking,bermalam di dalam khemah(2 malam) dan chelet (1 malam), BBQ (malam akhir) serta menikmati pemandangan di puncak gunung.
- T-shirt dan Sijil disediakan!!!
Untuk pendaftaran atau sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi:
- Pali: 013-5013969
- Wan: 017-9188669
- Dhiya: 013-2226381
"cintailah bahasa kita"-sm
Sunday, January 11, 2009
T-shirt BIO
Perhatian kepada sesiapa yang belum mengambil t-shirt bio samada yang sudah atau belum membuat bayaran sebanyak RM22, sila hubungi;
- ITAH 017 4651267
- YANIE 017 5321815
Kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menempah t-shirt bio yang masih dalam simpanan kami bolehlah mengisi borang yang akan ditampal pada papan kenyataan di Pusat Pengajian Sains Kajihayat.
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